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Emotional Healing with Homeopathy

Peter Chappell

Buch: 332 pages, pb
product no.: 03405
weight: 470g
ISBN: 978-155643-429-7 9781556434297

Emotional Healing with Homeopathy

Peter Chappell

Treating the Effects of Trauma
19.60 US$
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Buch: 332 pages, pb
product no.: 03405
weight: 470g
ISBN: 978-155643-429-7 9781556434297

An accessible guide to the use of the LM1 potency for a wide range of common emotional difficulties and traumas. Aimed at the general public and also useful for practitioners.
The publisher:

When an individual has not resolved a negative experience, the stored trauma may lead to such physical problems as high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, gastritis, addictive behavior, and learning disabilities. This book adds form and substance to homeopathic healing, aligning older theories in the Organon with modern psychological theory about how disease takes hold in our body.

Author Biography:
Peter Chappell co-founded the Society of Homeopahts in U.K. At the forefront of homeopathic training in the U.K. and Eastern Europe, he is currently spearheading a homeopathic drive on AIDS in Africa.

"Emotional Healing with Homeopathy covers a range of conditions that stem from psychological and physical traumas. By its whole-person approach, homeopathy is at home in dealing with these complex problems. Chappell conveys specific information about many remedies for individuals with varied health problems related to trauma."
- Iris R. Bell, M.D., Ph.D.

"This book is wonderfully practical in helping us find the correct homeopathic medicine to treat emotional traumas. This book reminds us that effective homeopathic treatment can help provide effective health care to many people."
- Edward Chapman, M.D.

19.60 US$
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An accessible guide to the use of the LM1 potency for a wide range of common emotional difficulties and traumas. Aimed at the general public and also useful for practitioners.
The publisher:

When an individual has not resolved a negative experience, the stored trauma may lead to such physical problems as high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, gastritis, addictive behavior, and learning disabilities. This book adds form and substance to homeopathic healing, aligning older theories in the Organon with modern psychological theory about how disease takes hold in our body.

Author Biography:
Peter Chappell co-founded the Society of Homeopahts in U.K. At the forefront of homeopathic training in the U.K. and Eastern Europe, he is currently spearheading a homeopathic drive on AIDS in Africa.

"Emotional Healing with Homeopathy covers a range of conditions that stem from psychological and physical traumas. By its whole-person approach, homeopathy is at home in dealing with these complex problems. Chappell conveys specific information about many remedies for individuals with varied health problems related to trauma."
- Iris R. Bell, M.D., Ph.D.

"This book is wonderfully practical in helping us find the correct homeopathic medicine to treat emotional traumas. This book reminds us that effective homeopathic treatment can help provide effective health care to many people."
- Edward Chapman, M.D.

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19.60 US$
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Beautifull book. Deep though simple. read more ...
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Ein besonderes Buch eines Menschen, der besondere Arbeit geleistet hat. read more ...
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