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Experiences with

Arsenicum album

Arsenicum album: Treatment of Cacti

After taking out my cacti from the dark storage cellar in spring (at the beginning of May, when there is no further danger of frost) to put them outdoors again, the first thing I do is to water them with Natrium chloratum 30C, as recommended by Christiane Maute, to acclimatise them to the outdoor environment and if necessary to desalinate the soil.

After around one week, there follows an administration of Calendula 30C to treat possible injury from the effects of winter hibernation and the move outdoors.
After one more week, I treat them again with Silicea 200C and thereafter at irregular intervals with approximately 3 doses of Silicea 200C for general strengthening.
After the cacti have acclimatised to the outdoor climate, they are also treated approx. 3 times at weekly intervals with Arsenicum album 30C.

As you can see from the attached pictures, the cacti have a superb bloom (fig. 1). The cactus "Queen of the Night" has flowered this year for the very first time after 20 years of care and attention (it was first given Arsenicum alb. 30C) (fig. 2 + 3). This evidently came from the Arsenicum album.
Another cactus, which got sunburnt in August due to the tremendous heat, flowered in late summer for the second time in one year after treatment with Arsenicum album 30C.

The cuttings, which I take partly to rejuvenate my “planatation”, are all watered twice at weekly intervals with Arnica 30C and then again with Calendula 30C. With this procedure I have no problems with them taking root. The cuts where I separated the individual segments of the prickly pears also do not rot – instead, they heal completely with just a small scar.

* The observations of these cacti do not constitute proof of homeopathic efficacy but the gardener's experience to date indicates such an effect.
W. Seiler, Mühlenbach, Germany 2013

» Arsenicum album order

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